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人文: 在专家云集的公司工作
People: Work in the company of experts

在IBM, 享受与世界顶尖的专家切磋合作!IBM员工精诚合作、挑战极限、每一天都在为最大化业务系统效率创造机会,为更好改变行业而努力。通过和其他非常专业的团队成员紧密合作,您将会在这里获得独一无二的见解和经验。
Collaborate with the world’s leading experts. IBMers team up to push the boundaries every day to improve business systems, maximise efficiencies, create opportunity and change industries. By working closely with other dedicated team members, you will gain insights and experience here like nowhere else.
Want to learn more about our People stories?
 China development team groundbreaking 'Watson' technology. Initially demonstrated by beating the world's best 'Jeopardy' players, the technology is now being put to a more practical use in dramatically improving diagnostic accuracy and treatment decisions for patients around the world.

 Our expert team at IBM has successfullly replaced Sichuan's inefficient earthquake monitoring and disaster mitigation system with new technologies able to capture data recorded by seismic monitoring stations round the clock. It is also able to collect disaster information and requests for rescue and aid after an earthquake hits without any mistake, omission, or discrepancy. This ensures that if another disaster were to strike, then rescue, medical, technical specialists and equipment providers nearest to each affected area are mobilised, ensuring that resources are allocated in the most efficient and productive way possible.

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