
建材分销行业是欧洲领先的建筑材料分销商,而且是世界最大的陶瓷瓦分销商。 The Building Distribution Sector is Europe's leading distributor of building materials and the top-ranking distributor of ceramic tiles worldwide.

该行业通过其在20个国家的3300个分销点服务于民用建筑,建筑翻新及室内装饰业。客户包括建筑商,贸易商,设计师和室内装饰公司,当然还有房主。产品通过各自的知名品牌进行销售。这些品牌有法国的Point P,Lapeyre和 La Plateforme du Batiment; 英国的Jewson 和Graham; 德国、荷兰、匈牙利和捷克的 Raab Karcher; 西班牙的 Point P 和巴西的 Telhanorte.未来的几年,建材分销部将通过国际化发展、取得有机的增长、鼓励各品牌之间的协作以及开发新的分销理念来保持其发展趋势。 The Sector serves the home building, renovation and interior decoration markets through more than 3600 outlets in 20 countries. Customers include building contractors, tradesmen, architects and interior decorators, as well as home owners. Products are distributed by well-established trading names such as Point P, Lapeyre and La Plateforme du Batiment in France, Jewson and Graham in the United Kingdom, Raab Karcher in Germany, Holland, Hungary and the Czech Republic, Point P in Spain and Telhanorte in Brazil.
In the coming years, the Division will keep up its development by stepping up international expansion, achieving organic growth, fostering synergies between banners and launching new distribution concepts.Two shops have been opened in Shanghai since 2005.



  • 平板玻璃行业
  • 高功能材料行业
  • 建筑产品行业
  • 玻璃包装行业
  • 建材分销行业


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