埃克森美孚公司是世界最大的石油天然气上市公司,总部设在美国得克萨斯州爱文市。我们在六大洲从事油气勘探业务, 在全球几乎每个国家运营生产设施或销售产品。



Exxon Mobil Corporation, headquartered in Irving, Texas, USA, is the world’s largest publicly traded integrated petroleum and natural gas company. We explore for oil and natural gas on six continents, and operate facilities or market products in nearly every country in the world.

ExxonMobil has been a part of the oil and gas industry for 130 years. We trace our history to Standard Oil, founded by John D. Rockefeller in 1882.

ExxonMobil has 120 years of history in China. Since the late 1970s, we have actively participated in many aspects of China’s energy industry, including exploration, gas and fuels marketing, refining, lubricants sales and services, chemicals and power generation. Currently, there are over 1,300 employees in China.

ExxonMobil has a long-term commitment to China. Through our products, technologies, partnerships and investments, we are poised to help meet China's growing energy needs.

Welcome to the world of ExxonMobil. Whether your background is in business, engineering or science, ExxonMobil has a challenging career waiting for you.

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