北京外国语大学附属苏州湾外国语学校(Suzhou International Academy,BFSU)坐落在美丽的太湖苏州湾,是一所由江苏省苏州市吴江区人民政府、北京外国语大学、江苏天吴集团合作创办的全日制国际化学校,集幼儿园、小学、初中、国内高中和国际高中为一体,是北京外国语大学PASS留学基地、外语特色示范学校,致力成为长三角国际化教育的标杆,中国的伊顿公学!

Suzhou International Academy, BFSU, is a full-time international school established under the cooperation among the Wujiang People’s Government of Suzhou, Beijing Foreign Studies University, and TIANWU Group, integrating five divisions: kindergarten, primary, junior high, senior high, and international. Located at the Suzhou Bay of Tai Lake, SIA is known as the Eton of China, the PASS base of BFSU, a model school featured in foreign languages and the benchmark of international schools around the Yangtze River Delta.

学校占地161亩,建筑面积90000m2。整体建筑设计引入全球“第三代学校建筑”和“微能耗建筑”设计理念,包括美式教育综合体、高规格“两大一小”教室、超宽走廊学习街、分散化多元学习中心、泛在校园学习环境、套房式教师办公室、户外学习露台、中国文化体验中心、恒温恒湿新风系统、星级生活空间等十大创新设计,是一所绿色生态、环保节能的高品质现代欧风学校。学校采用全智能化 校园设计,全Pad辅助教学,教学平台国际领先,真正实现智慧校园。

Covering 90000 m2, SIA has introduced an advanced third generation design concept for its buildings.The campus is an American style education complex, which includes high-tech classrooms, wide corridors, study centers, outdoor balconies, and diversified study ceters. All of our classrooms have a central ventilation system, which controlls the temperature and humidity. It is an ecological and environmental-friendly school with modern European style, equipped with advanced teaching platform and Pads as teaching aid, realizing the authentic smart campus.

作为一所高端精致的国际化学校,北外苏州附校秉承“Come Here, Go Further(来这里,走更远)”的办学理念,在高水平实施国家标准课程的基础上,引入国际标准的英语课程和学科课程,融合中西方教育的优势,以大学视角和国际视野培养身心健康、学业优秀、气质高雅并具有民族根基、世界眼光的人才,打造中国的国际人和国际的中国人。

As a high-end and exquisite internationalized school, SIA adheres to the philosophy of ”Come Here Go Further”, utilizing its advantages in Chinese and Western education, cultivating global elites characterized in physically and mentally healthy, academically excellent, elegant, and patriotic.
