
“在中国,为中国,与中国共创!” 随着宜家中国未来+战略的宣布,标志着宜家中国翻开了崭新的篇章。此时此刻,我们需要像你一样具有创新精神,充满灵感和身负使命感的人才加入,与我们携手,共创未来!


“In China, For China, Co-create with China!” With the launching of the new strategy as IKEA China Future+, China market has opened a new chapter exploring and test many new possibilities. Through innovation, inspiration and the dedication of a talented team, IKEA China is transforming the local retail market. Ready to join us and make this game-changing idea a reality?

IKEA was founded by Ingvar Kamprad in 1943 in Sweden. With the vision “to create a better everyday life for the many people”, IKEA commits to provide wide range of well designed, functional home furnishing products at prices so low that as many people as possible will be able to afford. Now, IKEA is world leading home furnishing and furniture retailer in globe. So far, China is the only market with complete IKEA value chain apart from Sweden, covering product design, testing, production, purchasing, distribution and warehouse, retail, property etc.

