About GOLD Program

Avery Dennison’s Global Organizational Leadership Development (GOLD) program is a 2- year rotational, multi-functional leadership development program that accelerates careers and continuously develops talent.

艾利丹尼森的全球组织领袖培养计划(GOLD Program)是一项为期 2 年的轮岗式跨职能领导力培养计划,旨在推动潜力人才的职业发展和能力提升。

The GOLD program offers a unique opportunity to learn and train in two cross- functional business rotations that are chosen based on your background and skills, your career passion and the needs of the business. As a part of a global company, GOLD Associates have the opportunity to work in multiple locations throughout the world.

GOLD计划根据您的专业背景和技能、职业热情,结合业务需要,提供独特的跨双职能领域业务轮岗学习与培训机会。 作为跨国公司的一部分,GOLD培训生有机会在全球多个地点工作。

Within two 12- month rotations, GOLD Associates will complete:


GOLD program graduates are ready to take on business critical roles around the globe, including Plant Manager, Project Manager, and Commercial Finance Manager. Therefore, we are looking for:


We offer various functional areas for your career development:


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