
  • adidas Overview
  • Life at adidas
  • Core Belief

    At adidas, we believe that through sport we have the power to change lives.

    adidas at a glance

    adidas is a global leader in the sporting goods industry, offering a broad portfolio of footwear, apparel and hardware for sport and lifestyle around the core brands adidas and Reebok.
    Headquartered in Herzogenaurach, Germany, the company employs around 57,000 people from over 100 countries across the globe and generated sales of just under €22 billion in 2018. In Greater China, we employ more than 6,800 people and generated sales of over €4.3 billion in 2018.

    Our brand portfolio in China includes

    No other brand has a more distinguished history and a stronger connection to sport than adidas. It is our mission to be Greater China and the world’s best sports brand by 2020. Guided by our “Creating the New” 2020 strategy and inspired by the passion of our founder Adi Dassler, adidas Sports Performance provides athletes from across the sporting spectrum with innovative, high-performance products designed to help them achieve their very best. adidas Sports Style houses Originals and NEO. With its versatile product offering, adidas is uniquely positioned to cater to the diverse and constantly-evolving lifestyle needs of the Chinese consumer.

    Comprising two product lines, REEBOK FITNESS and REEBOK CLASSIC, Reebok’s mission is to be the world's best fitness brand. REEBOK FITNESS delivers innovative, professional-level running and training products, while REEBOK CLASSIC focuses on setting trends through stylish casual wear rooted in Reebok's strong heritage.

  • Program Introduction
  • Position Application
  • Trainees Sharing
  • As a fast-growing market, Asia Pacific has been a key growth and profitability driver for adidas company. Our APAC Trainee Program is a 24-month program with four 6-month rotation assignments including one abroad. The change of function every six months offers the opportunity to get to know various functions, work in multinational teams, and develop detailed specialist knowledge while establishing an extensive network. In addition to on-the-job-learning, the experience is infused with learning through others via an onboarding buddy and senior mentor, project exposure as well as interesting Training & Development courses throughout the duration of this experience.

    Through our 24-month program trainees will get on a fast track of career development and grow together with the adidas company.

    Highlights of Trainee Program


    • • Bachelor or Master degree fresh graduate with 0-1 year experience
    • • Previous internship, preferably in your chosen position related area
    • • Fluent English language skills (written and verbal)
    • • Excellent communication skills and strong presentation skills
    • • Passion for sport
    • • International mindset & Willingness to be mobile

    Learn more about specific opportunities and requirements for each position!

  • Online & Offline Events
  • Selection Process
      • 请告诉我们你想参加Open Day的理由
      • 立即申请
Q : adidas Trainee Program的招募对象有没有专业限制?
A : 我们对专业没有任何限制,欢迎不同专业的同学积极申请你感兴趣的职位。
Q : 如果我不是应届毕业生,是否还能申请Trainee Program?
A : 除了应届生外,我们同样接受有一年及以下全职工作经验的往届毕业生的申请,也欢迎海外毕业生申请。
Q : 每个人可以申请几个职位?
A : 每位同学在申请时可以填写第一志愿与第二志愿,还可以选择“愿意调剂”(willingness to be re-assigned),届时我们会根据个人意愿以及岗位需求进行安排。同时,我们建议你在申请前详细阅读我们的Position Application页面来深入了解职位职责与需求,根据你的个人兴趣与能力来申请最适合的职位。
Q : adidas APAC Trainee Program意味着我们会在亚太区轮岗的机会吗?
A : 是的。在24个月的管培生项目中,培训生除了在阿迪达斯亚太区总部上海接受3岗共18个月的培训轮岗外,还额外有一岗6个月在其他国家及地区的轮岗机会。在海外轮岗,你还有机会参与跨部门轮岗,迎接更多挑战!我们非常欢迎有志于长期在上海工作也有意愿在亚太其他国家及地区工作的同学应聘我们的职位。
Q : adidas Trainee Program和Future Store Manager Program有什么不同?
A : adidas Trainee Program和Future Store Manager Program是完全不同的项目: adidas Trainee Program是管理培训生项目,工作地点在阿迪达斯上海总部办公室,主要针对2020届应届生,同时也欢迎已经毕业且未满一年的小伙伴来申请。而Future Store Manager Program是零售精英成长计划,工作地点为阿迪达斯在全国的直营店铺,主要针对应届生以及毕业两年内的往届生。
Q : 我对部分职位的具体职责仍不是很清楚,还有什么途径可以了解?
A : 网申页面上有每个职位的详细介绍。请关注我们9/17阿迪达斯空中宣讲会,届时将有往届管培生详细介绍每个职位!也可以通过“adidas校园招聘”微信公众号或参加我们的open day和校园宣讲会了解更多职位相关信息
Q : Sales Trainee, Retail Trainee之间有什么区别?
A : 要回答这个问题,首先要了解adidas的销售渠道。我们有三大核心渠道,分别是经销商渠道、自营零售渠道及电子商务渠道。经销商即我们所说的“客户”,客户以批发形式向adidas购买产品,并在客户的店铺中进行销售,而销售团队(对应Sales Trainee)则对经销商进行维护和管理。自营零售顾名思义负责的是adidas自营的店铺,由零售总部团队(对应Retail Trainee)从营运、产品、商业策划、店铺活动等方面对店铺进行直接管理和指导。有了对渠道的认识,相信大家就不难理解这两个职位的不同了。这些职位都可通过本次adidas Trainee Program进行申请,工作地点都在在上海总部办公室。
Q : Retail Trainee是不是商场导购,店长之类的职位呢?
A : 不是哦! 这个问题涉及到今年的adidas Trainee Program和Future Store Manager Program两个校园招聘项目。店长和导购属于店铺员工(Retail Frontline),而Retail Trainee所属的零售总部(Retail Office)是为自营零售渠道制定业务战略并进行管理和支持的。Retail Trainee将会在零售总部中的各个职能部门轮岗,包括商品管理、营运、零售市场活动、商业分析、视觉陈列等,全方位地学习与了解零售体系,为将来成为管理精英做好准备!而对于喜欢接触消费者,有志于投身一线事业并快速成长为店铺店长等管理人员的,请申请Future Store Manager Program哦。
Q : Retail Expansion Trainee的主要职责是什么?
A : Retail Expansion Trainee隶属于零售拓展部门,该部门负责阿迪达斯和锐步品牌在中国市场门店拓展和形象升级,是经销商和零售部门的重要合作伙伴。简单来说,选址规划、商务谈判、店铺设计和工程管理,串联起了零售拓展。
在这里,Retail Expansion Trainee将学习到全方位的零售拓展管理,提升分析、规划、沟通与谈判能力。我们对专业没有任何限制,也欢迎室内设计与建筑工程管理专业的同学报名申请哦。
Q : 在线测试的形式是什么?该如何准备?
A : 为了更好地满足同学们的需求,我们在10月25日两个时间段分别安排了笔试,笔试邀请将以邮件的形式发送到同学网申时填写的邮箱。
Q : 一共会有几轮的面试?大概会在几月份得到最终的Offer?
A : 具体的选拔流程可以参考我们的Schedule页面。从第一轮面试起,每个职位的时间会稍有不同,同学们不必太过心急,但基本都会在12月中之前发放offer。
Q : 我对Open Day很感兴趣,如何参加呢?
A : Open Day可以通过我们的官方微信或在网申页面选择相应场次报名参加。
Q : 如果我在申请中遇到问题,可以联系谁?
A : 我们在应届生BBS有问答区,可以在该问答区留言。也可以在官方微信上直接留下你的问题。