百威中国包含在中国区运营的多家法人实体,直接或间接由百威亚太控股有限公司(“百威亚太”)控股,在高端及超高端啤酒领域处于领先地位。百威中国负责酿制、进口、推广、经销及出售百威亚太旗下超过50个啤酒品牌,包括百威®、时代®、 科罗娜®、福佳®、哈尔滨®和雪津®等。近年,百威中国拓展至啤酒以外的产品,如即饮酒精饮品、能量饮料及烈酒等。中国区总部设在上海,在中国营运超过30家酿酒厂,拥有员工总数接近23,000人。

百威亚太于2019年在香港联交所上市,位列港交所史上十大IPO项目,股份代码1876,并是恒生指数成份股之一。百威亚太亦为百威集团(AB InBev)的子公司。百威集团拥有600多年的酿造传承,业务遍布全球。


Budweiser China comprises a number of legal entities operating in China, directly or indirectly controlled by Budweiser Brewing Company APAC ("Budweiser APAC"), with leadership positions in premium and super-premium beer segments. It brews, imports, markets, distributes and sells a portfolio of more than 50 beer brands, including Budweiser®, Stella Artois®, Corona®, Hoegaarden®, Harbin® and Sedrin®. Bud China has expanded beyond beer into new categories such as ready-to-drink, energy drinks, and spirits in recent years. Headquartered in Shanghai, Bud China operates more than 30 breweries and employs over 23,000 colleagues across China.

Budweiser Asia Pacific was listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in 2019 and is one of the top ten IPO projects in the history of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, with stock code 1876. It is also a constituent stock of the Hang Seng Index. AB InBev Asia Pacific is also a subsidiary of AB InBev. Budweiser APAC is also a subsidiary of AB InBev, which has over 600 years of brewing heritage and an extensive global presence.

Anheuser-Busch InBev started the relationship with China in 1984, established Budweiser Brewery in Wuhan in 1995. In 2011, the headquarter of Budweiser China in Shanghai has been designated as the regional headquarter of a multinational corporation by the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce.


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